
It’s good to train hard

It’s better to train smart

It’s best to do both


the status quo

In 2008 I remember looking out onto the gym floor I was working on at the time.

I remember seeing people doing robotic, tedious movements, under flourescent lights, drinking flourescent drinks with headphones on whilst looking at themselves in the mirror.

And I just thought ‘How is this the norm? This is common, not normal…”

I was staring right at the status quo.

An industry that helped create long term psychological issues, provided people with short term physical solutions to create repeat customers.

It was in that moment that I decided there has to be a better way.

I decided I no longer wanted to participate in the “norm”.

I wanted to create better. To create different. Create relevant.

So I created FUNC.

A community of Renegades. A community that connects, challenges and contributes.

Quite the opposite of the Status Quo…

FUNC. The Status Quo

~ Dave Nixon


We provide you with periodised programming through our Powerbuilding and Functional Fitness classes. Our classes are set up so that we can coach a group of individuals rather than exercise a large group of people. 

Our programming is tailored to the individual and where they are at with their fitness and strength to ensure they are able to train with intent and recover intelligently.



People train the way they treat themselves. A healthy mindset is far more than simply having a positive outlook, it is about building resilience, understanding yourself on a deeper level and finding out what you’re truly capable of. 

We partner with Peak & Flow Training to offer trainings on how you can level up your Inner game and explore your potential. 



We work closely with both Ayla Health and Renaissance Periodization as well as offering educational webinars and support for clients to learn what they need to eat based on their goals and overall health.


We are not in the health industry teaching people, we are in the people industry teaching health.

Mental, social, physical, sustainable health.

Classes for any training style




FUNC. is dedicated to improving your ability to move load efficiently, function and develop useful strength, body awareness, midline stability and fitness through the use of real-world body movements

FUNC has a unique philosophy that delivers a complete approach to training that includes bodyweight, weightlifting, functional lifting and cardiovasuclar training into one, complete program.



Our Power class (formerly known as Boris) will not only make you strong, it will also help your overall strength development, workout times and recovery.

Power uses a variety of different tools to focus on movements such as squats, deadlifts, presses, rows and carries.



Our Engine class is designed to help clients improve their cardiovascular fitness and overall work rate. The 60 minute class includes a warm up, workout explanation, setting clear intentions and the workout itself.

Expect low impact, high output sessions where we teach clients how to get the most out of their fitness.




Our first influence into Functional Training back in 2008 came from a YouTube video courtesy of Gym Jones, a Private Gym in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Dave travelled to Gym Jones 3 years in a row to learn first hand what it was all about.

FYF is an integration of their work and every other influence all rolled up into 1 session.



Our Bend class helps people build strength through range of motion. This allows them to not only develop flexibility but also stability for the joints and the muscles supporting them.

Bend will greatly aid in injury proofing your body for the demands you ask of it in the gym and in life.



Our Breath class allows you to go in and work on the one and only thing that is ever truly present; your breath and body.

We use different techniques and exposures to get the most out of your body and breath for increased performance and decreased stress.


What makes FUNC. different from other gyms? FUNC. doesn’t have a one size fits all approach, you have variations through the classes themselves. Within that, you have personalisation for what you're able to do and what you are up to, or what you're working towards. FUNC. isn’t like the other gyms you’ve been to, and I think that's the best thing about it.

- Holly

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