the BSFT method

Calm Mind | Strong Body

welcome to the BSFT Method & The bsft30

a free & comprehensive program to help you build a calm mind, strong body, for good.

to build a calm mind and stroNg body for good, you need to
solve these 4 problems:

Lack of connection

Most people learn gym exercise techniques but fail to build real connection with their bodies to be able to run, jump, hike, throw, lift, squat and play outside of the gym environment. Once you leave the gym, you never touch a barbell again and move in multiple angles that most rigid gym exercises don’t take into consideration.

The Solution:

A real world strength and fitness approach that deepens your body awareness so you can move deliberately, not habitually.

Lack of clarity

Too often people fail their goals because they are either not clear, not meaningful enough or take an all-or-nothing attitude towards them. This is what underpins self sabotage and a yo-yo approach to health and fitness. Developing mental resilience and compelling goals can act as a launch pad for long term results.

The Solution:

Access to the most up-to-date models for clarity of goals, understanding emotional drivers and mental bottlenecks within a community of like minded people.

Lack of composition

One of the biggest mistakes people make is neglecting the importance of their nutrition in health and overall performance. Food composition can often be the biggest lever to pull when it comes to our overall health goals. Building sustainable, effective habits can be easier than people think.

The Solution:

Evidence based aproach to fatloss, overall health and physical performance that doesn’t just tell you what to eat, but also teaches how to make adjustments to your lifestyle.

Lack of continuity

Oftentimes people have the right trainer, the right diet and the right frame of mind to get results. Only to find themselves in the same place they started 12 short months later. Setting up the systems and the support network to ensure long term success is what underpins whether or not your short term results, turn into long term progressions.

The Solution:

Extending your results time horizon and building a sustainable and flexible plan that develops long term habits that stick.

the core values that underpin our approach

1 vs 23

Your 1 hour in the gym should positively impact your 23 hours outside of the gym, otherwise it becomes a cost, not an investment.

Own, don’t loan

It is common for people to mistake co-dependency as accountability and in turn make their results reliant on needing someone or something else to uphold them. Only to revert back or regress when circumstances change, thus creating the yo-yo effect. We call this ‘renting’ results. We want you to ‘own’ your results, for good.

Become a life athlete

We believe only 2 things in life truly matter. Everything else are either subcategories of these 2 things or just noise. Those 2 things are the memories you make and how you contribute. At the end of the day, we want people to go out there, use their fitness, participate more in life and create more memories. That’s what counts the most.

Mind AND Matter

Commonly, people may take the approach that if you get moving you will feel better or that it is mind over matter. The reality is, it’s both. We want to take a mind AND matter approach. We have the tools, models and knowledge to be able to leverage both the physical and the mental so you can succeed long term.

The 90/50 Rule

This one is simple, when you’re 90% done, you’re halfway there. The last 10% is worth as much as the first 90%. This is true for training, competing, projects, businesses, everything. We want to see you go all the way. We are here with you.

Extend the Time Horizon

Yes we want 2 week wins, yes we want to see results but we want you to extend your time horizon further. The question isn’t ‘can you do a pull up in 12 weeks’ but rather ‘can you still do one in 5 years’.

RPI - Rate of Pre-emptive intensity

Outgrow the all-or-nothing approach and build real, long term flexibility that is relevant and relative to the dynamic changes to your life day-to-day, week-to-week, year-to-year. Don’t let perfection get in the way of progress.

You earn what you learn

We get to keep what we learn. When we fall into the trap of just wanting to be told what to do, we keep ourselves at the whim of something or someone external. When we take on the responsibility of our own learning of our mind and body, we get to make long term change as we build a deeper relationship and understanding with ourselves.

Start basic and Build

So often people will take on too much when they start. So much so they start complex and have to cut things out. Before they know it, they stop altogether. This program is designed to start basic and build. It is common people do this program month on month. They do this so they can have a specific focus each month to build on.

Finish Strong

It’s common to see people start strong and finish weak. Like the above principle, we want you to start simple and finish strong, month on month. Building long term change takes a long time. And it takes even longer when you try and short cut it. Start simple, finish strong.

The 4 Pillars of the bsft method

We use the Life Athlete Matrix to map out our stage of development across 4 pillars.

Move: Physical fitness that empowers you.

Mind: Mental health for inner strength.

Mouth: Nutritional education for fuel and nourishment.

Method: Sustainable planning to keep you on track.

With each pillar having three stages of development.

By using the Life Athlete Matrix and taking a free scorecard, you can measure your current progress and design a personalised plan to reach your goals effectively.

You can also register for the BSFT30 program. A 30 day education and training program offers a structured approach to building a solid foundation across these pillars and achieving a calm mind and strong body, for good.

What is the BSFT30?

The BSFT30 is a 30-day program.

The Problem: You know you have more to give, but you're unsure where to start or what's holding you back.

The Solution: The BSFT30 program gives you a clear, proven framework to build a foundation for lasting health and phsyical performance so you can participate and get more out of life.

The BSFT Method: Move, Mouth, Mind, Manage – These four pillars guide you through a structured approach to fitness, nutrition, mindset, and overall lifestyle management.

Program Benefits:

  • Get strong, fit and build movement mastery

  • Build sustainable habits that last a lifetime

  • Connect with a community of engaged life athletespushing themselves and supporting each other

  • Develop a calm mind through mindset development and breathwork

  • Push your boundaries and learn what you’re truly capable of


  • 28 days of Programming

  • 4 live Q&A's

  • 4 x Masterclass Recordings - Move, Mind, Mouth, Goals

  • 30 BSFT30 Daily podcasts

  • Personalised Nutrition Template

  • Bonus nutrition resources

  • 3 x Breathwork videos

  • Access to exclusive BSFT30 online community

  • Downloadable BSFT30 Playbook & Journal

  • Best Practice Cold & Sauna Protocols

    All this for free

    *Shirt can be purchased for only $49 (exc. shipping).

the bsft30 shirt

Snag a BSFT T-shirt for $49 (shipping fee excluded).

a final word…

As much as we know this program is profound and powerful, we also know that the most important thing is action.

So whether it is here with us, or someone else, our offer for you is this; decide and commit to something that will help you get the result you want long term.

indecision is a decision. go all in on you, it might just be the best thing you do for everyone else around you.

FAQs for bsft30

  • Move: Either what you’re already doing training wise or an increase in movement/recovery that is manageable and achievable.

    Mind: The daily podcast should be integrated into your day eg. when driving, warming up at gym etc. I would recommend 10 mins of a reflection/journal practice. Bonus points for a 10 min+ ‘quiet mind time’

    Mouth: You should already be eating, so it shouldn’t add time here. There may be a shuffle of priorities if someone was to be more proactive in prepping. Mostly this is about tracking and bringing awareness to food and simple, effective changes.

    Method (Manage): 5 mins (or less) to review your DENT goals each day. Which you could easily do while brushing teeth.

    You may be finding 10-30 mins a day depending on your current lifestyle.


    If you haven’t done fitness before then your starting point is just different to someone else. Injuries/restrictions a common part of life. They are something to navigate through, not stop you from training.

    Injuries are give way signs, not stop signs.

  • Not at all. Life happens. Just get back on track the next day and keep going!

  • You can freely listen to the podcast anytime of the day at Spotify.

  • You absolutely can.

    You don't have to follow all our methods to be successful with the framework we are offering. Whatever works for you across the 4 pillars.

  • Absolutely, we record the Q&A's and upload them with a link to Youtube. You can also post the questions you have in the group so they are answered at the Q&A.

  • You can still start on the existing week. Even if we were halfway through, it would be beneficial to get access and familiarise yourself with the content to hit the ground running the following month.

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